4D3N trip to Krabi, Thailand. Nice trip but the things there are not cheap due to lotsa of 'angmo' tourist. We went to one day tour to Phi Phi Island, which is awesome. The islands are beautiful and the weather are great. I did get little suntan..very minimal leh..not tan at all although I was all day out. sigh..We stay in Krabi Thai Village with a beautiful swimming pool and most of the visitor is angmo. I have not seen any chinese/asian ppl in the hotel. The room rate average RM200+ p/nite.We rent a motorbike for easy access around the town for 200 bath per day.
hehehe.. another Pirates of the Krabian.. :D
weeee....food...food...food...u eat alot while in Krabi haa...hehe....the lurve shape rice so cute ler.....
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