
請先準備:一杯溫水、一杯熱茶、一杯冰水、一盆熱水、一盆溫水、三條毛巾,一袋冰塊,二個小玻璃瓶子分別裝蜂蜜(裝點水,讓它稍微不要那麼濃)和嬰兒油,蜂蜜放在熱水盆裡,嬰兒油放在冰塊裡. Please prepare:
a cup of warm water, a cup of hot tea, a cup of ice water, a bowl of hot water, a bowl of warm water, 3 pieces of small towel,a packet of ice cubes,a small bottle containing honey (mixed with water to promote liquidity).a small bottle containing baby oil.*place the bottle with honey inside the hot water bowl.*place the bottle with baby oil inside the ice cubes.

  1. 第一重(溫) 用溫水倒在毛巾上,輕輕的將他的陽具和蛋蛋擦拭,別忘了,要輕輕的喲!因為妳的手拿著溫毛巾,所以妳的手也是溫的,用妳的手用輕輕的上下套弄,等他硬起來後,將毛巾放在他的屁股下,將他的包皮退下,用溫水從他的龜頭向下淋去,將那龜頭頸部的白色皮垢,輕輕用手指抹去(手指可以在毛巾上擦拭)。First Round (WARM)
    Get the warm towel and gently rub the ‘little bro’ and balls (Please be sure you do it gently). After holding the warm towel, your hand will become warm. Use your warm hand to play with the ‘littlebro’ up and down until it becomes hard. Then place the towel under his butt. Push down the skin layer to expose the ‘littlebro’ head. After that pour the warm water from the top of the head and use another hand to wash the head.
  2. 第二重(涼) 倒一口冰水含在口中,約十秒,讓妳的舌和唇,是呈現冰涼的狀態後,將水吞下,輕輕的用妳的唇和舌,親吻和輕舔他的陽具及龜頭,但不要急著含下去哦,等到冰冷感沒了,再喝一口冰水,如此來回約三次。 Second Round (Fresh)
    Drink some ice water & hold in your mouth without gulp it. Hold it for about 10 second until your mouth & lips feel cold enough. Then gulp the water. Using yr cold mouth & lips, slowly kiss and lick the head and whole of the ‘littlebro’. Remember do not do oral sex. When the icy feeling get lesser, repeat the 1step (holding icy water in mouth) to get icy mouth & lips. Repeat the whole process for 3 times
  3. 第三重(熱) 將濃濃熱熱的蜂蜜,倒在他的龜頭上,用妳靈巧的手指在他的龜頭G點處,輕輕撫摸(如果妳摸的對,他會爽到不行,而且絲毫沒有要射的壓力),千萬不要上下套弄,重點就在龜頭上。 Third Round (Hot)
    Pour the hot honey onto the ‘littlebro’ head, use your active finger to gently touch the G spot at the ‘littlebro’ head (If you got the correct location, he will feel extremely excited, but will not feel want to orgasm). Do not rub it up and down. Just focus on the ‘littlebro’ head.
  4. 第四重(冰) 喝一口冰水(或蜂蜜)直接從龜頭給他含下去,因為上一重妳已經倒了蜂蜜,所以,請妳好好的享? 帠o頓蜂蜜肉棒吧Fourth Round (ICE)
    Drink some ice water and straight suck the ‘littlebro’ from the top. Since you have pour the honey before this, you can enjoy the honey stick now.
  5. 第五重(熱) 吃完了蜂蜜冰棒,別忘了,喝杯熱茶去去甜。用口含一口熱茶,好好的將這個肉棒從頭到蛋給他洗一遍。 Fifth Round (HOT)
    After tasting the honey stick, drink some hot tea to clear the sweetness. Then hold some hot tea in your mouth, then thoroughly clean the ‘littlebro’ and balls
  6. 第六重(冰) 用包著冰塊的塑膠袋,在他的命根子處,輕輕的來回擦拭。 Sixth Round (ICE)
    Use the plastic bag that containing ice to rub the ‘littlebro’ up and down softly.
  7. 第七重(熱) 從熱水盆中拿起毛巾,輕輕的為他擦拭(先將毛巾放在他的小腹上,測試他的接受度,不要直接就把熱熱的毛巾放在命根子上,他翻臉事小,萬一燙傷妳親愛的肉棒棒,那妳情人節的小穴穴,就要獨守空閨了)。 Seventh Round (HOT)
    Take the towel from the hot water bowl. Place the towel on his stomach to test the temperature (ensure not too hot). If acceptable, use the tower to rub the ‘littlebro’.
  8. 第八重(涼) 把放在冰塊中的嬰兒油,或是潤滑液倒在他的龜頭上,然後和第三重相同,輕輕柔柔的為他撫摸,讓妳的手在他的G點、馬口、甚至慢慢滑下他的肛門,萬一不再冰涼了,就再加點。Eighth Round (Fresh)
    Pour the baby oil (put in the ice cubes) onto the ‘littlebro’ head and do the steps as Third round (massage the G spot) and extend down to the balls until the anus. Add on the baby oil to promote cold fresh feel
  9. 第九重(溫) 最後用溫毛巾為他再擦拭,等到乾淨後,妳的唇和舌,也可溫柔的再次為他服務,最後是女上男下,將將那迷人的肉棒,放進妳最溫暖的密穴中(所以妳知道,最後為何要用嬰兒油或潤滑液,而不是蜂蜜了吧,除非妳不怕螞蟻爬進妳的小穴裡。Ninth Round (Warm)
    Finally use the warm towel to rub the ‘littlebro’ again. After clean, you can service him with your lips and tongue again. Lastly, with woman on top position, put the attractive stick into your warm juicy hole. (That’s why we use baby oil on the last stage).


Cely said...

u si beh hoT

so u tried?

Mars said... tips hassle to do all this...
wait one day if I'm so into the mood..lolx