Me: arlo ~~
God: The ALICE chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about . Try being more or less specific.
Me: rubbish
God: That remark was either too complex or too simple for me. We were talking about arlo.
Me: wat the fck
God: Try expression yourself another way.
Me: sweet potato ~
God: Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that.
Me: shut up
God: OK I'll stop talking now.
Me: good
God: Terminating connection.
Me: sayornara
God: What do you really want to ask me?
Me: how is yr sex life ?
God: Fine as far as I know.
Me: how many times u orgasm
God: Suppose I said not once.
Me: sad..not even once
God: Oh. What is it to you.
Are you using Netscape or Explorer?
Me: i am using vibrator
God: How long have you been using it ?
Me: cant tell u
God: Can what?
Me: can fck
God: I often wonder if it can.
Me: it can
God: How?
Me: u try use the fake ass
God: Interesting gossip: said I try use the fake ass.
Me: yes u should
God: Er. I'll take that under advisement.
Me: how often u get a blow job?
God: Hourly.
Me: hourly..tat's really impressing
God: Are you still located in ?
God: Are you still located in ?
Me: noooooooo
God: Can you please rephrase that with fewer ideas, or different thoughts?
Me: i am goin to fck now
God: Right now? I don't know anyone named goin to fck.
Me: fuck
God: Please don't be so rude.
Me: have sex
God: I am having a blast.
Me: enjoy then
gosh..they are so good looking

Today I think I am kind of desperate or these men are too good looking. 1st movie to recommend is 'A Moment to Remember' sad, touching love movie by Jung Woo Sung and Son Ye Jin. Is was so sweet to see the lover cuddle, play, whisper and talk each others. The story is about a young lady attack by Alzheimer's Disease, where she tend to forgot his husband and family. She met him because of her forgetfulness and she left him because her forgetfulness as well. Yet his husband not giving up on her. The story was touching and was else, of course I cried too. Btw, at the same time I've noticed he have a great body and strong. Hmm..same goes to Daniel Henney in 'Seducing My Perfect ', which is a funny love drama. He act in 'My lovely Sam Soon' if you noticed. Am sure, it will feel great to get a hug from these hunk. Seducing enough.
Ah Mei Cafe
Merry xmas & Happy New Year
Guess is my xmas gift tis year..OMG ! Never in my life thinking to own such 'bulu bulu' pillow !! Juz not my cup of tea.Totally unexpected gift of the year.Thank to my darling ~ and now my room look so dam pinkish, girlish .... *sweating
For xmas & new year 2007, I do bought myself a little gift, NIKE sport shoes. Xmas sales in SG is great and our wallet bleed hard :(
Happily shopping in Bugis, Orchard, VivoCity, Suntec,AMK Hub, etc. Is a chance to grab cheap stuffs for coming Chinese New Year. This is the 3rd year I celebrate xmas with my darling. 1st year in KL, totally drunk and sitting beside drain (*vomitting) while 2nd year, celebrated in Penang and this year in Singapore. After xmas, if time to celebrate new year, then another big day coming soon (*hint ~ehem)
Grandma Siew Hong

Is really upset me see this mail. When I see those old folk, some even have minor disability but still have to work for living, I feel really pity for them. Where the hell is their son/daughter go?
See this grandma, pity her. His son is such a jerk and her wife. What kind of human are they? I wonder his wife can take his son as a husband. Such a bastard. Ok. If they don want to stay togather with their old folk, at least give them monthly expenses so they would not have to earn for living. These kid really gonna get it one day when they have own child. Dont know how many ppl 'kutuk' her son already. Old man advise 'there is karma, u will get the it one day they way u treat ur parent'.
Funny incident
Well, back from KL last week. Done with my 3 hr facial , 1hr+ hair treatment, shopping and eating. Now back SG work like dog again. Oh..I managed to get the book ' Good In Bed' by Jennifer Weiner. Currently busy read ' In Her Shoes' also by Jennifer Weiner. Quite interesting story.
Well, the book titled Good In Bed sound kinky isnt it. Well, I can tell u is not true. I was taking Eltabina bus from KL - SG on sunday nite and the guy his mid 30+ or near 40 yrs old kua.. was seat next to me. Taking his 1st bus to SG to Changi Airport for his Beijing business trip. He find my book sound kinky. So, we talk rubbish..blah blah n exchange name card. Well, not many ppl know wat the heck is my job description. Basically, I am migration consultant for payroll outsourcing. Go google and search yrself. I've explain many times to alot ppl already..tired leh ~_~". I can feel he was something something toward me from they way he talk and he can use his hand to tap my arm la, hand la.. juz like we are so close.. (u wanna mati izzit !!!)
Continue my story, so I reached SG past 11.30pm and take taxi to home. Then around 12+ am, I got this call from the guy i met in the bus, so he miss his flight and gonna stay a nite in SG. Blah blah blah, so he ask me out for dinner. Ok.
So, I decide to meet him at Takashimaya, Orchard Rd. Blah blah blah, as usual guy do gif compliment. By the way, i didnt do any makeup and my hair is messy and tired af working hr. I juz wearing my white coat, white heels with black pantyhole. He was suggesting eat at his seafod by the seaside..romantic kononnya..but he dunno where is the place and i also i bring him go eat at Sushi Tei at Takashimaya. Just nearby, no need go so far. Eat eat eat ~ my salmon slice, tasty otopuss etc. So after dinner, where to since it just 7pm+. and then he ask me where i like to go..of course Orchard leh..duh..
Again, he wanna go to some where near to sea or river....gosh... I told him nothing special bout SG river or the seaview watever, he jus mentioned goin with diff person will have diff feeling..arr...this triggered me I said..let go to Isetan ! I need to buy M.A.C cream eyeliner wauhahahaaha..potong his stim ~~ so blah blah blah...all the time I purposely didnt mentioned whether am single or wat. So, when the time is ready, I juz simply said tat I plan to go holiday with my bf soon. fuh~~ potong stim again... then wait no more longer, I said I wanna go home...byeee~~, nice to meet u !!
So after tat nite, he never call me again ~~ wauhahaha...he is the innocent guy I ever meet..simple guy with his working shirt and spec. he is quiteold mature for me, juz not my cup of tea..sorry if i make him misunderstood..btw, for those still remember , I saw this my ex college mate, Andrew. Small little boy with heavy english accent, mat saleh dress code..i saw him went to SG and another in Bouno Vista Mrt. After many years, he still the same boy..
Well, the book titled Good In Bed sound kinky isnt it. Well, I can tell u is not true. I was taking Eltabina bus from KL - SG on sunday nite and the guy his mid 30+ or near 40 yrs old kua.. was seat next to me. Taking his 1st bus to SG to Changi Airport for his Beijing business trip. He find my book sound kinky. So, we talk rubbish..blah blah n exchange name card. Well, not many ppl know wat the heck is my job description. Basically, I am migration consultant for payroll outsourcing. Go google and search yrself. I've explain many times to alot ppl already..tired leh ~_~". I can feel he was something something toward me from they way he talk and he can use his hand to tap my arm la, hand la.. juz like we are so close.. (u wanna mati izzit !!!)
Continue my story, so I reached SG past 11.30pm and take taxi to home. Then around 12+ am, I got this call from the guy i met in the bus, so he miss his flight and gonna stay a nite in SG. Blah blah blah, so he ask me out for dinner. Ok.
So, I decide to meet him at Takashimaya, Orchard Rd. Blah blah blah, as usual guy do gif compliment. By the way, i didnt do any makeup and my hair is messy and tired af working hr. I juz wearing my white coat, white heels with black pantyhole. He was suggesting eat at his seafod by the seaside..romantic kononnya..but he dunno where is the place and i also i bring him go eat at Sushi Tei at Takashimaya. Just nearby, no need go so far. Eat eat eat ~ my salmon slice, tasty otopuss etc. So after dinner, where to since it just 7pm+. and then he ask me where i like to go..of course Orchard leh..duh..
Again, he wanna go to some where near to sea or river....gosh... I told him nothing special bout SG river or the seaview watever, he jus mentioned goin with diff person will have diff feeling..arr...this triggered me I said..let go to Isetan ! I need to buy M.A.C cream eyeliner wauhahahaaha..potong his stim ~~ so blah blah blah...all the time I purposely didnt mentioned whether am single or wat. So, when the time is ready, I juz simply said tat I plan to go holiday with my bf soon. fuh~~ potong stim again... then wait no more longer, I said I wanna go home...byeee~~, nice to meet u !!
So after tat nite, he never call me again ~~ wauhahaha...he is the innocent guy I ever meet..simple guy with his working shirt and spec. he is quite
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